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How Mercury uses PepTalk to prioritise mental health and safety while breaking down outdated industry stigmas.
Client Wins
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How Mercury uses PepTalk to prioritise mental health and safety while breaking down outdated industry stigmas.

Haelee Reis
Haelee Reis
Head of Marketing and Program
Haelee Reis
December 7, 2022

“Our focus is employee led and encourages our people to be the best version of themselves while prioritising their mental health and centring stigma-breaking conversations in the workplace.” Mercury

Mercury is a European contractor who builds and manages complex engineering projects that reimagine how people work and live in the built environment. 

They believe that real innovation happens if you’re willing to be brave and they’ve taken this belief beyond the realms of their work and ingrained it into their culture and people. 

Breaking down the stigma around mental health

The engineering company understands the importance of breaking down the stigma around mental health, particularly within the context of their industry, and are dedicated to building a positive work culture where every employee feels seen, valued and cared about both personally and professionally. 

“Culture has always been deeply rooted in our core value of Safety, and this extends to mental safety and wellbeing” Mercury

With their rapidly expanding company, Mercury (like many others) found it challenging to; make wellbeing a priority, maintain true team connection, and build a sense of belonging amongst their employees. Realising this, the senior management team decided to take action and lead the way when it comes to wellbeing in their industry. 

Over the past 5 years Mercury has been introducing wellness initiatives as well as  partnering with experts, like PepTalk, to build a great team experience for their people.

And they’ve been rolling out successful initiatives ever since.

European thought leaders advocating for change

Now Mercury is known as a European thought leader who is challenging the status quo within their industry and advocating for wellness and wellbeing at work, with a strong focus on men’s health and wellness.

“Based on the [PepTalk] check in element we are able to keep track of the general morale of employees and update our wellbeing strategy to ensure that it is relevant and working towards the needs of our people.” Mercury

The company manages multiple teams, across various sites, in 11 different countries and maintains a higher than average team sentiment with 55% of their workforce reporting feeling energised or relaxed about the week ahead and only 3% reporting feeling anxious. 

Metrics that are testament to their hard work and dedication. 

Mercury staff

How does Mercury build a great team experience for their people?

They used the PepTalk platform to:

  • Reduce the information <> action gap
  • Stay connected to their employees
  • Understand their team sentiment 
  • Build a culture of trust and support
  • Have open and honest conversations 
  • Identify any potential blindspots before they become issues 
  • Make data-driven decisions

They are consistent and take action

  • +5 years proud PepTalk clients 
  • 3,000 employees using the PepTalk platform
  • 12 consecutive monthly Team Check-In completed
  • 970 average Check-Ins per/month
  • 230 TeamTalks and Tool Box Talks Company Wide 

Mercury is an example of great leadership in action.

They are continually working to break down the stigma around mental health in their industry, and their dedication and commitment to building a positive team culture is what makes them an industry leader. 

Read more customer stories here.

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